SMART High-Output Multi-Lamp UV Sterilizers are 100% COMMERCIAL-GRADE and are designed for larger applications. Our simple dual lamp (T6/High-Output) design creates a super-efficient lamp array that delivers the highest UV-C Output based upon input watts –vs.– cost. Our High-Output Dual-Lamp configuration also eliminates the excessive pressure that is common with competitors’ “Bank-Style” (single lamp/single tube) UVs. SMART HO ML UVs are made of heavy-wall UV resistant plastic and feature a removable electrical end that allows for easy access to the interior components. SMART HO BALLASTS drive the lamps at peak efficiency; ensuring optimum lamp output performance and useful life.
Maximum aquarium size : 2000 gallons.
water flow rate : 970gph/1210gph.
2 x 120w lamps.
inlet /outlet sizes : 3 inch union.