Marine FishMaster | Labour Of Love
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heart-small.fwThe Marine Fish Masterheart-small.fw


My name is Marine Fish Master. I have been studying  underwater marine life for many years. As a result of my studies I have created a Marine fish-tank of very high quality. In this tank I keep Many varieties of fish  including living coral.

In the biblical story of creation the fish of the sea were created on day five. Mankind was created on day six. We were created to “rule” over nature, that is, to be responsible for it. We were also created in the “image” of God. Whatever that may mean it will include the power to create. When we create we exercise a God-like attribute, we are an “image” of God in action.
I am as God to my fish. I provide everything they need for their wellbeing.

Providing for them is a real labour of love. It takes a great deal of time and attention to detail. However the work brings very rich rewards.

Where else can I see such a variety of colour in constant motion; and wonder at the grace and elegant movements that intertwine endlessly, weaving fluid patterns as my fish swim as nature dictates.

It is common knowledge that viewing fish in a tank is very calming and stress-relieving. Having a fish-tank also guarantees a constant kaleidoscope of colour and movement that is riveting to the point of being hypnotic. This is artistic display of a very high order.  And I can see it whenever I want.

If you, like me, have started on the continuously creative act of establishing and enhancing an underwater Garden of Heaven then I would like to hear from you for our mutual benefit. If you are thinking of starting out on this creative venture then I would like to help you, to set you off riding the tide to success.


A tip to beginners and a reminder to the experienced – always ensure the oxygen levels in the water are within the prescribed limits.


God bless you in your creative efforts!

Marine Fish Master .